hanging in there
It's a Tuesday and I'm in the kitchen making lunch while everyone else is out picking strawberries. It's raining, so the girls are in the house with me. The youngest is setting up a tea party for her stuffed animals, and I'm eavesdropping. As she sets down a plateful of playdoh in front of each guest, I hear her reassuring a teddy bear, "no, no, dis is not tempeh. dis tofu."
The last couple of weeks have been hectic. Harvesting strawberries takes a lot of time, although I think they are, thankfully, past their peak. We pick three days a week. Last Saturday was the most ridiculous: we picked from 2:30 until 9, when it got too dark to see, although we still hadn't finished all of the beds. Then we pinted and quarted all of the strawberries for market, which lasted until midnight (and we had started work at 6am, as we usually do on Saturdays). And then on the following Tuesday, we started picking at 7am and picked until 4. The Tuesday stawberries get sold wholesale, and even at that lower price, we picked over a thousand dollars in strawberries that day. Last night we finished pinting strawberries before 10, so I think it will be easier from here on (until the tomatoes ripen...).
The last couple of weeks have been hectic. Harvesting strawberries takes a lot of time, although I think they are, thankfully, past their peak. We pick three days a week. Last Saturday was the most ridiculous: we picked from 2:30 until 9, when it got too dark to see, although we still hadn't finished all of the beds. Then we pinted and quarted all of the strawberries for market, which lasted until midnight (and we had started work at 6am, as we usually do on Saturdays). And then on the following Tuesday, we started picking at 7am and picked until 4. The Tuesday stawberries get sold wholesale, and even at that lower price, we picked over a thousand dollars in strawberries that day. Last night we finished pinting strawberries before 10, so I think it will be easier from here on (until the tomatoes ripen...).