Leaving, on a jet plane...

Actually not, but that's what is stuck in my head. I'll be leaving Norman sometime tomorrow morning or afternoon--whenever Kim arrives from Dallas. We're road-tripping back to Olin, which I think will be fun. I'm sort of conflicted about leaving. I'm really eager to get back to Olin. But I think that looking forward to going back has distracted me from enjoying my few days here with my parents, which makes me sad. I mean, I have enjoyed my time here, I just feel like I've been distracted. I'll do better next time.

According to Kim's away message, the plan is:

Saturday: FW->Norman, OK (to pick up Sa'am)->Springfield, MO
Sunday: Springfield->St. Louis (see Michelle?)->Louisville, KY (meet princess, the cat)
Monday: Louisville, KY->Erie, PA (via Columbus, silly Mikell)
Tuesday: Erie, PA -> Olin

And that's about all I know. See y'all soon.


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