Well, the pecans came back today, and the vast majority of them are moldy. There are a few good ones, but it's so depressing picking through a grocery sack of mold that we'll probably end up throwing them all away. The pecan-cracking guy says it's because we kept the nuts in a plastic bag. Live and learn. At least we have some pecans in the freezer that we cracked by hand earlier this month.

On Saturday I volunteered at Shannon's booth at the Peace Festival in Oklahoma City. I think I've mentioned this before, but Shannon lives in Managua and started a nonprofit, Esperanza en Accion. She goes out to the campo to buy stuff directly from artisans for a fair price and then resells it in the U.S.. On Saturday we sold almost $3000 worth (I think) of pottery, baskets, paintings, etc., which is a record for EeA.

On Friday, Shannon came to our house for dinner. It was good to talk to her and about what it's like to live in another country, but the best part is that I have another mouse story to share with you! I'll try to keep it short.

When Shannon first got to Nicaragua, she spoke NO Spanish. Her host family was only supposed to provide breakfast and dinner, so Shannon was on her own for lunch. She didn't know how to buy food, so she basically relied on Powerbars sent down from friends in the U.S.. One day, a relative sent down 20 Powerbars. Shannon was so excited. She was not naive. She knew that there were mice in her room. She went to the grocery store and bought the toughest-looking tupperware-type container she could find, and filled it with the Powerbars. She kept the box on a shelf, and one day as she pulled it out, she noticed that it was way too light. Upon inspection, a mouse/mice had chewed through the box and had nipped a corner out of each wrapper, eating all of the Powerbars and leaving the wrappers neatly lined up as they always had been.

But that's all backstory, just to establish that Shannon had a good reason for hating the mice. She says she thought many evil thoughts about them, and the many ways that she would like them to die. Shannon's room was very small. There was room for her bed, the shelves, and a large, heavy-duty fan that she had pushed as far away from her bed as possible. The fan was sitting next to the shelves and was pointed at Shannon as she slept. One night, a mouse (THE mouse, according to Shannon) apparently got sucked off the shelves into turbo-fan, and... it's not a pretty way to go. I'm sure it wasn't fun for the mouse, but it was pretty bad for Shannon, too, who awoke screaming, covered in mouse guts. So. Shannon's mouse stories top mine, by a long shot.


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