My room smells funny... it reminds me of the smell of burning trash in Managua. Or possibly food, although I can't fathom why our street would consistently smell like burning trash or food. It does seem to be coming from outside, which is better than it coming from the mattress, which was what I initially suspected. Still non-ideal though, because this house has no AC, and DC summer is quickly arriving, and I'm on the third floor, so closing the windows would be a bad move.

I took my turn cooking on Thursday, and it turned out quite well. It was a recipe that I'd found online from the Moosewood Cookbook, with a bunch of vegetables and a bunch of fruit, including apples and dried apricots, and many spices. Since this house stocks certain foods which they consider to be staples (onions, garlic, fresh ginger), AND because they have a huge spice collection, AND because Jalene gets a 20% discount at Whole Foods, it cost a total of $10 for me to buy the needed ingredients. It was sweet and spicy, I liked it and other people liked it, so I was very satisfied. The only sad thing is that I tried to make rice to go with it, and completely failed. Someday I will learn this skill.

House-hunting sucks. I wish I could have just signed a lease before moving here and moved in with my new housemates, whoever they might be, and dealt with any unexpected conflicts as they arose. Because I think I could live with almost anyone, but going and actually meeting people puts me in a different state of mind, thinking more about who I would *ideally* like to live with. This is partially influenced by my really liking the place where I'm living right now--the people, the location, and the price. I reeeally wish I could stay here. Last night I visited a house with some nice-seeming people. Activists, talking about community gardening, bike-riding, CrimethInc, dumpstering... things that remind me of happy times in San Jose. I think I would be comfortable there. But no place is perfect. It's 2.5 miles from my office, which makes it probably the furthest place that I've considered so far. The metro ride would be 25 minutes, because the path is very indirect. The bus ride would be 15 minutes. Various other pros and cons that I won't go into... but all of this is moot if they don't pick me, which I will find out Mondayish. I worry that I might not be activisty enough for them, which makes me sad.


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