
responses to craigslist ad: 52 (and counting)
interviews conducted: 20
serious candidates: 6

I woke up yesterday at 6, made it through 7.5 hours of interviews (not as difficult as I'd expected), and still managed to make it until 2 before going to bed.

Had some interesting discussions with people at the party last night. I kind of miss being around people who studied math or science or anything other than liberal arts in college. We were discussing math (which was silly, given that I was probably the most mathy person at the party, and I don't know much about math), and someone expressed his opinion that you could really choose whether or not you wanted to believe in math--it all comes down to what works for your personal belief system. I... didn't say much. Although I did make the mistake of telling them about Godel's Incompleteness Theorem (the one sentence overview), and despite giving the caveat that the proof doesn't practically affect the work of mathematicians, my housemate triumphantly proclaimed that this validated his "personal belief" view of math, and that he'd like to buy Godel a drink.


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