Watch student enthusiasm grow as you use The Classroom Calculator!
[Edit: why do Blogger feeds show up in Planet Olin with a bunch of extra crap added?]
I was flipping through the 100th anniversary issue of Mathematics Teacher magazine, because I'm procrastinating, and looking at all of the ads and opinion pieces from the last century. The best, best ad that I found is from 1984:
Okay. You can imagine, with those dimensions, what this calculator must look like. But the real gem of the ad is the picture, which shows a smallish female teacher reaching over her head to mash an enormous button with the palm of her hand while two fascinated students look on. The calculator is mounted so high on the wall that she'll have to back up several feet just to be able to see the screen. The teacher looks like she's regretting her purchase.
I was flipping through the 100th anniversary issue of Mathematics Teacher magazine, because I'm procrastinating, and looking at all of the ads and opinion pieces from the last century. The best, best ad that I found is from 1984:
The Classroom Calculator
Finally, a front-of-the-room calculator that lets students observe both the keystroke sequence and displayed answer.
Model 30
Other popular models available.
Watch student enthusiasm grow as you use The Classroom Calculator!
Size: 46 1/2 " x 23" x 3"
Weight: Approximately 6 lbs.
Okay. You can imagine, with those dimensions, what this calculator must look like. But the real gem of the ad is the picture, which shows a smallish female teacher reaching over her head to mash an enormous button with the palm of her hand while two fascinated students look on. The calculator is mounted so high on the wall that she'll have to back up several feet just to be able to see the screen. The teacher looks like she's regretting her purchase.