I went to the drum circle today, which I haven't been to in quite a long time. It was really good tonight. One interesting thing was the number of women dancing. There have always been a lot of people dancing outside of the circle, but all the times I've gone before, there have been two or three men and occasionally one woman dancing inside the circle. Tonight was totally different. I wonder if it's a fluke, or if this is the norm now. It was great to see so many different styles going at once. Actually, my favorite dancer was a girl, I would guess 9 years old, who commanded just as much respect as any of the adult dancers. I wanted to get video of her, but she was too short, and I couldn't get a good shot.
The video doesn't capture the best dancing, but by the time I got out my camera, the light was fading so this is all I got. And I've never posted a video before and wanted to try it. So humor me. There was a guy in front of me taking video, and the girl in the purple skirt was very aware of this. Several times during the evening she worked her way over to him and sort of monopolized the camera. In the second part of the video, some guy steps between her and the camera, and she gestures for him to get out of the way. To be fair, she was a very good dancer (although the video doesn't really show that).
Also this weekend I went with my housemates to see Joe's play, which was part of Fringe Festival. I was pretty impressed. It dealt with the way that the internet has changed and not changed human relationships. There was a large projection screen where the audience could see what the characters were seeing on their laptops (IM conversations, Google spreadsheets, Second Life, etc.). He wrote and produced it in a couple of weeks. And then on Saturday I went to see Mirah and Laura Veirs at the Black Cat, and was very unimpressed. I really like a couple of Mirah's songs, but not the ones she played in her set. It was putting me to sleep, so I left before she finished. I was disappointed... I wanted to like her.
The video doesn't capture the best dancing, but by the time I got out my camera, the light was fading so this is all I got. And I've never posted a video before and wanted to try it. So humor me. There was a guy in front of me taking video, and the girl in the purple skirt was very aware of this. Several times during the evening she worked her way over to him and sort of monopolized the camera. In the second part of the video, some guy steps between her and the camera, and she gestures for him to get out of the way. To be fair, she was a very good dancer (although the video doesn't really show that).
Also this weekend I went with my housemates to see Joe's play, which was part of Fringe Festival. I was pretty impressed. It dealt with the way that the internet has changed and not changed human relationships. There was a large projection screen where the audience could see what the characters were seeing on their laptops (IM conversations, Google spreadsheets, Second Life, etc.). He wrote and produced it in a couple of weeks. And then on Saturday I went to see Mirah and Laura Veirs at the Black Cat, and was very unimpressed. I really like a couple of Mirah's songs, but not the ones she played in her set. It was putting me to sleep, so I left before she finished. I was disappointed... I wanted to like her.
Outside of the circle, there's usually at least one more experienced dancer with a crowd of people mirroring his or her movements.
how are your tomatoes doing?