fantastic weekend
This weekend I flew to Oklahoma to spend the weekend with my sister and brother-in-law, and to meet my incredible new nephew. Considering that he's only a month and a half old, and is still learning to control his limbs, the little guy is pretty captivating.
B and C are giving him a head start on potty-training: he has a tiny potty that he sits on (with assistance) whenever he needs a diaper change. He is actually quite patient with the whole process:

Still, we decided that he might like a little reading material to peruse while sitting on the potty. We started with Webdings and Wingdings fonts as inspiration, and painted a nice set of eight high-contrast images:

Early reviews were... somewhat less than glowing (to be fair, he was already crying when he got put on his potty, so his eyes were squeezed shut and he may not have actually seen our pretty pictures).

However, a second viewing met with more success:

Someday he'll no doubt be embarrassed by all of these pictures--but he's so damn cute sitting there in his little socks.
B and C are giving him a head start on potty-training: he has a tiny potty that he sits on (with assistance) whenever he needs a diaper change. He is actually quite patient with the whole process:

Still, we decided that he might like a little reading material to peruse while sitting on the potty. We started with Webdings and Wingdings fonts as inspiration, and painted a nice set of eight high-contrast images:

Early reviews were... somewhat less than glowing (to be fair, he was already crying when he got put on his potty, so his eyes were squeezed shut and he may not have actually seen our pretty pictures).

However, a second viewing met with more success:

Someday he'll no doubt be embarrassed by all of these pictures--but he's so damn cute sitting there in his little socks.