this might be harder than I thought

I'm back in Norman, and am starting to look at used cars on Craigslist.

Craigslist used cars in Washington, DC

Craigslist used cars in Oklahoma City

I'm home alone for the weekend with the dog. She's getting really old and is having a hard time climbing the back steps, and I don't like carrying her, so this morning I built a ramp! She did not appreciate it. When I opened the door, she looked at the ramp and froze in fear. She couldn't even back away from the door, she just stood there and trembled. So I had to take down the ramp and shut the door until she forgot about it.


Anonymous said…
hahaha! Poor Buddy.. and you.
Joelle said…

Fashion this out of a sheet, and you can support her rear without having to carry her when she needs to go down the stairs.
Sarah said…
Interesting--I'll have to show that to my parents. She's actually been doing pretty well at getting up the stairs. The first couple of times I took her out, I had to carry her, and I was afraid I'd be doing this all weekend, but that hasn't turned out to be the case.

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