Relationship with housemates has improved somewhat. The two-week visitor left, and I'm getting along well with the woman who just started working for Heinz. Her husband--I just don't get him, and I don't think I ever will, but he's gone for two weeks, which means I have room in my head to worry about other things, like LYME DISEASE. I found a deer tick crawling on the table yesterday, which caught me by surprise--I didn't expect to see ticks for another few months. I need to do some more reading about Lyme disease, but it pretty much freaks me out. And I suspect that the dog is bringing ticks into the corn crib, which does not make me happy (there have been several ticks found on the dog). Making me even less happy is the talk of using tea tree oil and homeopathic remedies to deter ticks and prevent Lyme disease, respectively. Fine if you want to sleep with your ticky dog in the tea house, but I didn't choose to live with a pet, and if the dog is going to be spending all day chilling in the corn crib while I'm at work, I want Frontline pumping through its veins.


Joelle said…
Please tell me they're using a heartworm preventative! Lyme disease: treatable. Heartworm: usually fatal. Treatment is worse than the disease.

Though, not contagious to humans.

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