Almost dinner time, so a short post. We started building two Monhegan skiffs on Tuesday afternoon. One will be 9.5 feet and the other will be 11.5. Today is Friday and we already have about half the bottom boards nailed onto the 9.5 foot one. Once it comes off the jig, we can start the other boat.

chines clamped on to shape them

Shaping oarlock pads:

oarlock pads

This was the last thing we worked on today: nailing on the bottom boards:

bottom boards are half done

Lacing leather onto the oars where they'll rest in the oarlocks:

lacing leather onto the oar


Anonymous said…
Oh, that looks so wonderful, working with the wood, using handtools some ot the time, I can't wait to come. Only one week before D and I will be there.

Anonymous said…
Wow, lots of pictures that I didn't see before. I like the one of you lacing oarlocks. I turned on the heat here today, it's hard to believe that they don't turn the heat on until after Thanksgiving at the Boatshop!

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