chicken day

On Thursday night, four of us captured the 26 meat chickens and put them in crates (when it's dark, they don't put up much of a fight). On Friday morning, we slaughtered and butchered them all. The pictures came out quite well and you can see the rest of them on Flickr, but I'll just put my first and last photo here. I wanted to see if I could handle killing a chicken, and it turns out that I can (and I will gratefully eat these chickens that are now filling a freezer). It was not as traumatic as I thought it might be, although I think everyone took it seriously.




Joelle said…
Could you add some captions to your flickr photos? I *think* I can tell what's going on in each photo, but I'm not sure. What is the slaughter method...decapitation?
Sarah said…
Sure, I just added captions. We didn't behead them, because that apparently makes it really hard to pull the feathers out.
Joelle said…
Thanks for the captions...helped a lot! Sounds like a good experience, though I'm not sure I'd enjoy it...I guess there's really no such thing as "running around like a chicken with its head cut off" if no one slaughters them that way!

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