apologies in advance for shilling...

This care package (and six more to follow in coming months) will be in the SERV auction on Friday, but since it's in the live auction we weren't sure if people would actually get a good look at it before the bidding. So, here is what a care package from us looks like:

care package for the SERV auction

The programming books are being used for staging only, and are not included in the care package (don't be sad).


MMmmmhhhmmm...Joles and Sa'am you are t3h best. Everything was wonderful (and we listened to the CD while we ate yummy goodness - the rap song caught us a bit off guard ;) Thank you so much!! [My suite and the suite across the hall bought it.]
Sarah said…
hehe, glad you enjoyed. Okay, no more rap on future mixes.

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