there shall be tomatoes
Do rats eat tomatoes? I'm hoping that rats would only be attracted to sweet things, or rotting things... not tomatoes. Last week I was standing on the back deck and a rat ran up the stairs and down the other side. That was the first time I'd seen one on the deck. I know you can call the city and they'll come do their rat extermination thing, but I suspect that it involves a lot of poison, and it wouldn't really address the root of the problem, which is that our next door neighbors have a dumpster that is constantly overflowing. I can't really blame the rats for thinking that this is a good place to live.
Today at the afterschool program we had an unusually large group of kids, and we were all pleased, until we found out that the school was on lockdown because of shooting outside, so the kids had nowhere else to go. So everyone was a little high-strung. As far as I know, no one was injured.
Tomorrow morning I leave for Colorado for a long-overdue family reunion with my mom's side of the family. Sadly, this means that I will miss Pride this weekend. But family wins.