Miks came for dinner last night, and we had pasta primavera, bruschetta, and wine. It's so nice to have visitors.

Other than that, it's been a pretty slow weekend. The guys are here working on various projects around the house, which means that one of us has to be here at all times (this is the landlord's decree). So I've gotten lots of reading done. Finished The Confusion by Neal Stephenson. Stephenson books make for good summer reading. There's a giant hole in the bathroom ceiling and wall now, because what was thought to be moisture damage from shower steam turned out to be a broken pipe coming from the upstairs shower.

They're also doing some work in Will's room and in the basement apartment. This morning one of the guys came upstairs with a note for me to translate. I'm glad that they asked me, because the note was extremely rude. Apparently the girl who lives downstairs is working two jobs and gets very little sleep, but that really isn't an excuse for bitching out the guys who are only doing what the landlord asked them to. I'm not impressed.

Next book.


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