This weekend was great because:
1. On Friday night, Joelle (who now lives 5 miles from me) and I went out for tapas and sangria, and then went to see A Prairie Home Companion
2. On Saturday morning, Dena moved out of her (my) room, so I startedmoving in cleaning. It wasn't disgusting, but it made me feel better. And while I had the mop out, I mopped the second floor bathroom, and tossed the bath mats in the wash, which made me feel a lot better. When I have time, I'll take on the tub...
3. At noon, I left the house to meet Joelle so we could go to IKEA. We went to IKEA! We agreed that it makes us wish we had a house, and money to furnish it. Although after seeing Joelle's cute apartment, I'd say she's pretty close to having a house. Joelle was also kind enough to take me to Linens 'N Things and Home Depot, which were down the road. I had lots of things in mind that I wanted to obtain, and I'm sure it would have been cheaper if I'd checked Craigslist, but it was just so convenient to get it all done at once. And Joelle had a car.
4. Saturday night, Amrita called me to see if I wanted to go to a Latino queer club. I was exhausted and sweaty from wrestling with my monstrous new air conditioner, but I'm trying to be social, so I said sure. After showering, went to catch a bus, only to discover that the 16th street buses don't run on weekend nights (?), started walking, still made it there by 11. I met Amrita outside and we went in, where we had to pay a $10 cover. I had $7. Where did my money go? Amrita paid for me, we went and sat down with her friends, ordered drinks, and eventually they wanted to go out on the dance floor. I stayed for a while, but I was tired, and I don't dance, so I took off. Without paying for my drink. I hate it when I feel incompetent. But the club was really fun, so this still counts as a reason why this weekend was great.
5. Sunday morning, took the metro to Takoma Park to meet Joelle at the farmers market. I bought the sweetest yellow cherry tomatoes I've ever tasted, among other things.
6. I wanted to start painting, but it was too humid to paint. I had to wait for someone to come home who could help me install my air conditioner (it takes all my strength to yank the window up and down, and most of my strength to lift the air conditioner. can't do both at once).
7. The air conditioner is installed, and on, and working wonderfully. Window units are ugly, but I wasn't going to last long without one.

As soon as I got it running, I started painting. Tonight's wall:

I don't think this photo does the color justice, but I'm very happy with it. I get to paint walls! I don't think I've done this since the dining room in Tulsa--5+ years ago. My rooms will be this dark golden yellow, and my shelves from IKEA and any furniture that's crappy enough to paint will be terracotta red. My curtains will be dark blue-green. This might take a while.
1. On Friday night, Joelle (who now lives 5 miles from me) and I went out for tapas and sangria, and then went to see A Prairie Home Companion
2. On Saturday morning, Dena moved out of her (my) room, so I started
3. At noon, I left the house to meet Joelle so we could go to IKEA. We went to IKEA! We agreed that it makes us wish we had a house, and money to furnish it. Although after seeing Joelle's cute apartment, I'd say she's pretty close to having a house. Joelle was also kind enough to take me to Linens 'N Things and Home Depot, which were down the road. I had lots of things in mind that I wanted to obtain, and I'm sure it would have been cheaper if I'd checked Craigslist, but it was just so convenient to get it all done at once. And Joelle had a car.
4. Saturday night, Amrita called me to see if I wanted to go to a Latino queer club. I was exhausted and sweaty from wrestling with my monstrous new air conditioner, but I'm trying to be social, so I said sure. After showering, went to catch a bus, only to discover that the 16th street buses don't run on weekend nights (?), started walking, still made it there by 11. I met Amrita outside and we went in, where we had to pay a $10 cover. I had $7. Where did my money go? Amrita paid for me, we went and sat down with her friends, ordered drinks, and eventually they wanted to go out on the dance floor. I stayed for a while, but I was tired, and I don't dance, so I took off. Without paying for my drink. I hate it when I feel incompetent. But the club was really fun, so this still counts as a reason why this weekend was great.
5. Sunday morning, took the metro to Takoma Park to meet Joelle at the farmers market. I bought the sweetest yellow cherry tomatoes I've ever tasted, among other things.
6. I wanted to start painting, but it was too humid to paint. I had to wait for someone to come home who could help me install my air conditioner (it takes all my strength to yank the window up and down, and most of my strength to lift the air conditioner. can't do both at once).
7. The air conditioner is installed, and on, and working wonderfully. Window units are ugly, but I wasn't going to last long without one.

As soon as I got it running, I started painting. Tonight's wall:

I don't think this photo does the color justice, but I'm very happy with it. I get to paint walls! I don't think I've done this since the dining room in Tulsa--5+ years ago. My rooms will be this dark golden yellow, and my shelves from IKEA and any furniture that's crappy enough to paint will be terracotta red. My curtains will be dark blue-green. This might take a while.