shit shit shit

So, I had the day off from work, which gave me free time, which obviously I can't handle responsibly. I started playing around with Google calendar, and thought "it would be really cool if I could syncronize this with my Outlook calendar." Yes. Wouldn't that be cool. Unfortunately for me, I sort of succeeded. I made my Outlook calendar syncronize with my *blank* Google calendar. Everything from the past four years is gone, along with several months of the future. Did I make a backup beforehand? No. Are all of those appointments in the deleted items folder? No, of course not. I think I'm just out of luck. I feel kind of sick.


Anonymous said…
What program did you use to sync? I didn't think Google Calendar could sync with Outlook yet...
Anonymous said…
You might try sending IT an email. I know they keep backups of outlook data for some period of time. They might be able to restore it for you if you act quickly.

Anonymous said…
So sorry to hear--good luck with unearthing a backup of your outlook files. Good luck, and thanks for the posts--its cool to hear that everything is working out for you in DC. -Matt
Anonymous said…
What about using a system restore point? I think that Windows automatically keeps a few restore points unless you specify otherwise. It worked quite nicely for me the time I deleted Outlook Express (and five years worth of emails) from my computer.

Sarah said…
Thanks for the suggestions. I emailed helpdesk and hopefully they'll have some suggestions on Monday.

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